Lady of Solace
Violet light has the highest energy, frequency and vibration and the shortest wavelength of visible light. The energetic qualities of the colour are mirrored by the soul essence of the flower Violet. Violet relates to self knowledge/ spiritual awareness, the union with the higher self and higher consciousness.
Call on Violet when emotional pain and grief afflict your Soul deeply and life seams to have lost all significance. With its comforting compassion Violet embraces us and guides us through our healing into acceptance and reconciliation. Violet encourages repressed, suppressed emotions, which aren’t given freedom of expression, to manifest and take the space and time necessary to be fully felt and integrated.
MOURNING - JOURNEY THROUGH GRIEF allow yourself to go through the process

How to work with Violet:
Creating sacred space and sinking into a meditative state, prepare yourself to invite in and respectfully ask for Violet’s help. Meditate with this Healing Helper as you go through your healing process of acceptance and surrender to the divine plan. You can smell the oil; put a drop of diluted oil in the palm of your hand and breath in deeply . Sweep your hands around your aura (energetic field). Continue this practice daily for as long as you need.