Sound Healing

1-1 Sound Healing

Settling in, getting comfy and finding stillness, you'll be bathed in deeply calming sound frequencies and receive the therapeutic benefits and transformative power of channelled sound, facilitating healing on a physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual level and helping to restore your entire being into healthy resonance.

Soothing the body and quieting the mind, the sound frequencies of gongs, crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, flutes, chimes and other instruments, will clear blockages, encouraging a natural calibration of the energetic body, your unique resonance and chakras, as you journey inward.

We will end the session sinking in an integrating silence for a few minutes.

Starting with a consultation, we discuss any medical/emotional/other issues as well as your Intention + reason for healing session.

A 1-1 Healing session focuses on your specific intention. A clear intention determines the potency of the healing so we can work together on the quantum level. 

When necessary, energy healing and specific Sacred Oils will support the session.

PRICE in person

£85 for 1hr

£110 for 90 mins session,

What is Sound Healing, how it work and what are the benefits

The impact of Sound on human cells has been extensively studied since the ’80 but we also know that the ancient Mystery schools held a deep knowledge of sound and vibrational medicine, using sonic energy for healing and to achieve altered states of consciousness.

Everything is frequency and in a state of vibration. All matter vibrates at specific frequencies, including our body, our organs and the cells in our body. We are in optimal health and wellbeing when we have a normal resonant frequency, but if that frequency begins to shift then that part of our body is vibrating out of ease, we say it is dis-eased. This is basically the principle of using sound as a transformational and healing tool, restoring the body back into its healthy resonance to repair damaged tissue and cells and reinstate the harmonious energetic, emotional and mental function.

Sacred Sound frequencies therapeutic benefits and transformative power are felt on physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual levels. Sound healing impacts the nervous system, slowing the heart, brain, and respiratory rates. This can help the body's organs and tissues rest, heal, and regenerate. A 2020 study found that after a sound bath, participants displayed a decrease in their heart rates, stress levels and levels of anger, fatigue and confusion. Researchers suggest that sound baths are also safe, low-cost interventions for sleep disruptions, chronic pain and anxiety.

CRYSTALINE FREQUENCIES. Sound is not only perceived by our ears, but vibrationally by our body. We are crystaline (our bones are made of minerals which form a crystalline structure) in nature and the quartz singing bowls attune their crystaline vibrations to ours.

BRAIN WAVES. Sound baths may elicit brainwave states where individuals experience deep relaxation and healing, especially in longer sessions. These states include “theta brainwaves,” which occur in light stages of sleep, meditation or relaxation and “delta brainwaves,” occurring in stages of deep sleep or meditation.

A 2022 study found that “singing-bowl” sound healing was associated with increases in spiritual well-being and a reduction in tension and depressed moods. Sound Healing: Mood, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being Interrelationships Read the study

WATER EXPERIMENTS AND SOUND FREQUENCIES. Our bodies are 75/80 % water. Sound waves and frequencies affect and manipulate the molecular structure of water. Healing “positive” sounds and words rearrange the molecular composition of water into beautiful harmonious patterns. Negative words and vibration affect the molecules and cause them to arrange into disarmonious and chaotic patterns out of ease….. des-eased. If we are made for themajority of water, you can only imagine how that works for our health!

How does it feel

People often experience tingling sensations that is described felt on a cellular level. This sensation can especially occur when there is an energetic blockage or traumas stored in the body. Sometimes people experience intense feeling, a movement, a shift and an associated emotion emerges.

The calm and relaxation experienced is described as “otherwordly”, people report that it’s a level of relaxation rarely experienced, leaving this ordinary reality and traveling out of time and space.

Often people drift to sleep or a dreamy state, venturing between thoughts, images, visions, memories and colours.


The powerful vibrations of the sound healing instruments send the mind into a sort of “trance state”. It is when you enter this state that you have more access to the subconscious mind. During a sound bath you are likely to feel yourself drifting between “awake” and “asleep”, with different thoughts, images and feelings coming up. This is due to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where we store thousands and thousands of thoughts, memories, ideas, trauma and influence. It is literally a void space, which we constantly fill with new impressions. When we sleep and we are in the ”inbetween “state, we have the most access to the subconscious mind. Here we find all the accumulated old pattern, believes and conditioning that influence our decision making today. If we have negative patterns stored in our mind, these can negatively influence us or create blockages holding us back from the expression of our full potential.

What people say

“My first sound healing session with Veronica was fantastic! In her wonderful home studio,I found myself opening up about deep rooted fears I had, and she was incredibly receptive and supportive. The sound healing itself was profound. My body began to release what I believe were old blockages and negative patterns. All this from one session is exceptional. I left the session and continued the week after feeling balanced and more open and aware of my heart. In fact, during the session, I could actually feel my heart vibrating so much that I felt like I was one with that vibration. Or that I was that vibration. For somebody seeking calm, relaxation, healing, or spiritual exploration, it was an excellent experience! I am whole heartedly grateful to Veronica for all her loving, calm and experienced energy guiding me through the process. Can't wait for more!”


My approach

The Focus and Intention of the facilitator is fundamental

"It is so fascinating to see how people respond to what I consciously do with the focus of my intention. “

My work is intuitively guided.

Although sound healing is a science and sessions are planned and facilitated with clear knowledge and understanding of the therapeutic benefits and contest of each instrument, harmonic, intervals etc… and with full awareness of how the person can be affected by them, my work is very intuitively guided.

“I feel like in a trance while I am playing, being guided by the instruments, sometimes with images, colours or words coming up in my consciousness repeating as a mantra as I play particular bowls or a particular sequence. The person receiving the sound frequencies report feeling what I do very specifically in their body, physically, energetically and emotionally. To witness this response in the person and then hear the confirmation from them is just astonishing.



The Venus gong resonates at the approximate musical note of A, associated with our 3rd Eye Chakra (or 1st Eye) inspiring creativity and invoking the spirit of feminine energy. Planetary gongs are made using the calculations of Hans Cousto (The Cosmic Octave) to match the frequencies of the sun, moon, and planets; each gong is tuned to produce the corresponding frequency.Venus/Isis is the embodiment of Divine Love and the Divine Feminine principles.

When we are bathed in a sound bath with the atmospheric and soothing Venus gong, we are compelled to drop our protective armor and surrender in the arms of the Great Mother.

"Her energy is resonant with joy, harmony, beauty, love and compassion. The frequencies of this beautiful gong put us in a state of acceptance, surrender and letting go, to just allow the flow of divine plan & timing to unfold effortlessly.In this state of being we can rediscover the pleasure in simplicity and the beauty of life, generating the vibration of gratitude and appreciation. A gong inspiring creative energy and connection, taking us to our divinity within and to our place in the web of life."

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”.

— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.