Elemi, shaman between worlds.
The Opener of The Way, Elemi Soul Essence is connected to the ancient Egyptian god Anubis.
Elemi is a soothing healing balm for your Soul, with such a high vibration and golden light, it re-instils positivity and hope into your heart.
Connected to ANUBIS, the god who watched over the dead and the process of mummification, Elemi was a resin used in the embalming rituals by the ancient Egyptians. Opening the door to mystical experiences, like Anubis, the ‘shaman priest’ that walks between worlds, Elemi teaches us to walk between realms and find the balance between the physical and the spirit world in our life. Interestingly, Patricia Davis suggests that “its name (Elemi) in Arabic means ‘Above and Below’, a contraction of ‘As above, so below’.
Through this journeying between spirit and matter and the rest found in the point of stillness between the two, Elemi helps to rediscover life’s true meaning, offering guidance and supports in finding our truth along the path that leads from the darkness back into the light.
Opener of the way, like Anubis the Divine embalmer guardian of the Underworld, Elemi lifts us with its weightless wings up to ‘the above’ when our time comes to and end here on earth. Its celestial ethereal energy creates a shift in our vibration allowing our spirit to ascend releasing attachments in the physical world. The elevation it offers is also from the release of whatever burdens us, whatever is holding us down or holding us back. It gives us the lightness to rise, with a light heart, above heavy energy or feelings that prevent our spirit to soar.
Anubis embalming Sennedjem in the tomb of Sennedjem, wall painting 1292 BC, Thebes, Egypt
With its compassionate heart, Elemi helps us journey through grief and release attachments when acceptance of a loss is an overwhelming challenge. But when a ‘letting go’ and surrendering takes place, Elemi facilitates a connection with loved ones in spirit so that a communication can be established/developed. This process may help process grief and ride the storm of pain with a recovered feeling of hope and trust (in the knowing that each soul has to be honored for their chosen journey) from which deeply profound understanding lessons can be learned, internalized and applied. In the same way Elemi offers supports when a loss of different nature is experienced, facilitating the surrendering to the flow of life even beyond our understanding. An acceptance and surrendering of the heart.
As it helps connect with loved ones in spirit, elemi is the oil to call on for mediumistic work.
With its weightless angelic wings Elemi carries us high above from where we can see an expanded view of the world, a majestic Divine Design where all things and phenomena are strictly defined and nothing is accidental. This expansive vision reminds us of our eternity in the Cosmic Plan of existence. From that elevated point, we notice that a calmer view appears in front of our eyes and a sense of peaceful becoming pervades our being, calling forward our Knowing Soul to hold us as we let go in trust.
Surrender to the cycle/flow of life. Surrender to the resistance inside your heart, rooting deeply into mother earth that holds and supports us as we support her creations in order to maintain the balance. Inner peace is surrendering. Trusting the arms of our soul to hold us as we fall.
This information has been downloaded by Veronica Nilah in direct communication with Elemi. Copyright © 2021 Veronica Nilah Massa, all rights reserved.
The experience with the Sacred Oils is unique to you, I would love to read your sharings in the comment box below. How do you connect with Elemi, which guidance, lesson, massages did you receive from this beautiful teacher?
Many Blessings with your Sacred Oils journeys,
Veronica Nilah